Rexburg Emergency Dentist
We are available 6 days a week for dental emergencies and can usually treat patients in pain by the next day.
Here are some examples of dental emergencies:
Facial Swelling – Cavities can open up teeth to infections. Bacteria can spread into the root of your tooth and into your jaw causing facial swelling. Irritation or swelling (also known as inflammation) where the tooth root and gum meet will cause an abscess.
Excessive Toothache – Tooth decay, cavities or infection can cause painful throbbing in and around the infected areas.
Injured Tooth – A tooth can be injured if it experiences trauma. Trauma to the root of a tooth can cause it to begin to die. If your tooth is knocked out, it is best to put it back in place or in milk. It is possible for the ligaments to regrow and the tooth to reattach itself. Your dentist can make sure that your tooth is in its right place and can attach it in place long enough for the ligaments to regrow.
Extractions – A tooth can be removed by your dentist when it’s beyond repair or because it’s causing additional damage to nearby teeth. Most extractions are simple but others are surgical extractions. Doctor Strobel handles complicated extractions nearly every day. Patients are offered local anesthesia (numbing), oral drugs, nitrous oxide, and oxygen to help ease and relax the experience.
Root Canals – When a tooth becomes infected in its root, this can cause severe pain because the tooth is dying. A root canal is designed to remove that pain and preserve as much of the tooth as possible and prevent future infection inside the tooth.
Give us a call to see when the soonest time we can see you by calling (208) 356-4400.