Teeth Cleaning Rexburg

Why do I need a dental cleaning?

Your oral health is deeply connected to your overall health and wellbeing. This is because your mouth is an important entry point for many types of bacteria into your body.  It is normal to have bacteria but some types of bacteria are harmful.  There is a link between certain types of bacteria in your mouth and serious diseases and conditions of the body—including heart disease, pneumonia, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Your body seeks to keep balance, especially in your mouth. But a buildup of bacteria can cause an imbalance that spreads from your mouth into your body and this is how. Saliva plays a role in neutralizing and washing away oral bacteria that could otherwise cause inflammation or tooth decay. It is important to help your body keep this balance by drinking plenty of water, choosing healthier foods, and by performing some preventative maintenance on your mouth. [iii]

“A healthy mouth is a useful barometer for the overall health of the body,” Dr. Nigel Carter. [i]  Did you know that if you practice 3 types of dental care—brushing your teeth, regular dental visits, and wearing a denture— it can lower your risk of mortality by 46%? In fact, each tooth that you keep by the age of 70 can increase your mortality by 4%.[ii]

What should a dental cleaning look like?

Visiting your dentist regularly for cleaning is an opportunity to be proactive, plan ahead, and avoid painful dental emergencies. Your dentist and dental hygienist are trained professionals with specialized instruments to help you clean and take control of your oral health in ways that you cannot do on your own. When you get your teeth cleaned, your dentist and hygienist work together as a team.  The dentist is qualified after years of training and experience to diagnose problems with your teeth that could cause you problems or pain in the future. They use scientific evidence and methods that have been developed over decades to detect problems in your mouth or with your teeth.

During your cleaning, you can expect your hygienist to perform some of the following services:

  • Polishing
  • Scaling
  • Root Planning

A dental hygienist polishes the surfaces of your teeth with a special handpiece that has a small rotating rubber cup covered in flavored pumice.  The purpose of polishing is to smooth the surfaces of your tooth and more importantly to remove the accumulation of tartar (hardened plaque or acid left from bacteria), stains, and corrosion from your teeth.

There are hard to reach areas between your teeth that are not reached by polishing alone.  A hygienist will need to use an instrument to scrape the hard-to-reach places of your teeth called scaling.  It’s similar to how you must both brush and floss your teeth to keep them clean.

If the plague goes uncontrolled, it can spread into the roots of your teeth.  This is called periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is very serious because it attacks your teeth at their roots and creates pockets of tarter.  Plaque can build up in the roots of your teeth and over time displace your gums causing bone loss and the eventual loss of your teeth.  Root planning is the process of cleaning out pockets of tarter from around the roots of your teeth.

Regular cleanings are essential for avoiding unnecessary dental problems and pain. Science shows that a majority of people can avoid gum disease, tooth loss, and more painful procedures if they see the dentist regularly for a cleaning, not to mention a boost in their self-confidence. [iv] Don’t put off your next dental cleaning, we are here for you. Schedule your cleaning today!


[i] https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1139109/how-to-live-longer-oral-hygiene-disease-symptoms.
[ii] https://www.columbuscosmeticdental.com/blog/a-secret-of-long-life-take-care-of-your-teeth/https://www.irvinedentalcare.com/blog/want-to-live-longer-take-care-of-your-teeth/#:~:text=Does%20Dental%20Care%20Really%20Improve,people%20age%2065%20and%20older.
[iii] https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/dental/art-20047475https://www.irvinedentalcare.com/blog/want-to-live-longer-take-care-of-your-teeth/#:~:text=This%20study%20confirmed%20that%20the,practiced%20none%20of%20the%20three!; https://dentistry.uic.edu/news-stories/five-secret-weapons-to-fight-cavities/.
[iv] https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/news/20130610/annual-dental-cleaning-may-be-enough-for-some-study.